Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Wow, it's been two months since my last post. If I used to have some readers, they are probably gone by now, but the update will ensue nevertheless.

I can't say that my life has been super exciting over the past two months. First semester here is a gauntlet with no substantial break until the semester ends. But we are rewarded with two months of skiing and two week spring break in March, so it balances out...kind of.

I'm nearly 75% through my two year contract here. Coming into this school year I had every intention of leaving and finding a new job. I love Switzerland and the skiing, cycling, and travel opportunities that come along with living here, but I do not love where I work. I'm still in search of a school and surrounding environment that I love...is that so much to ask...it seems to be. The recruitment process for 2012-2013 school years is underway and I've been full steam ahead in pursuing a new position. Unfortunately, of the 55 counseling positions that have already been posted, only one is in Europe...Frankfurt, Germany. I was invited up to their school for an interview, but at the end of the day it was mutual that neither party was that interested in the other. Most of the positions are located in Asia (mainly China and South Korea) and the Middle East. I have an interest in returning to Asia, but know that it's probably not the healthiest move to make. I received an offer in Lima, Peru. I'd love to do a couple of years in South America, but just not yet. I love the mountains here. I love the cycling and I love the skiing! To leave here after only two years would leave a lot of things incomplete. I'm registered for a job fair in London this coming January...hopefully some more jobs will be posted by then. By default I may end up staying at my current school for one more year.

I don't feel like an adult here. Having an "apartment" in a student dormitory is not ideal, but it's part of the job. There is no separation between my personal and professional life. I want a normal living situation, but I won't get that here. Anyways...

For the first part of October I was still getting out on my bike. But as the days have become shorter and a bit colder, there isn't much of a chance to ride.

I was able to drive up to Stuttgart, Germany to visit an old friend (former colleague from South Korea) who now lives there with her German fiancee. The timing was perfect as it was during Oktoberfest, and Stuttgart's Oktoberfest is the second largest in Germany...second to Munich. I don't have pictures of the giant beers that I drank...I'm still waiting for my friend to send them.

I don't play soccer, but I like to watch. Last year a few of us from school went down to Milan to watch AC Milan play Inter Milan. This year we headed to Manchester, England to watch Manchester United play Manchester City. This is a coveted match to watch and my wallet felt the impact. Manchester United was favored to win, but they ended up getting slaughtered 6 - 1. I didn't care who won...I just wanted to watch an entertaining game...and that's what I got.

Two weeks ago I attended a conference in Lisbon, Portugal. Lisbon is a great city...in my opinion. I had previously spent only one day there, so some more time was great. At the conference I was able to reconnect with some folks that I haven't seen for a couple of years as well as meet some new people. After a couple days at the conference I headed out to Sintra, which is just NW of Lisbon about 30 minutes. I have a friend there, so I stayed with him and his family for two nights. My first night out with them I accidently ate shell fish and ended up in an emergency clinic getting a steroid shot so the swelling in my throat would subside. Sintra is home to a number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, so I spent the next day touring around the city with my friend's family. If I had the chance to live there, I would move in a heartbeat...friendly people, great food, great cycling, surfing, and inexpensive. No jobs there though.

We've been waiting for snow here in Leysin, but nothing has arrived, which means to go skiing I have to get out of town. This past weekend my friend and I went to Zermatt...where the Matterhorn is. They have snow there, so we did some alpine skiing for one day and then some touring the next day. We toured up the Breithorn at 4,164 meters (13,661 feet). I got my arse kicked since I've been relatively inactive for a few weeks, but it was great to get out there and going again. This year has been the driest since the 1920's. Cross your fingers for some snow.