Friday, December 19, 2008

...and I'm Off!!

It's Friday evening.  I just finished packing for my trip.  I didn't really know what to pack, but I knew that I didn't want to pack a whole lot.  Tomorrow evening I'll be chillin' in Bangkok, eating some amazing food, and who knows what else.  For the longest time I've wanted to do some international traveling.  Prior to moving to Korea I'd only been to Mexico three times and Jamaica twice, other than that my traveling was within the states.  I added Korea and Japan to the list and will soon be making some more additions.  FINALLY!!!!!  Here a some packing pictures...

This is all I'm taking for 3 weeks!!! =)

Medicine, money, book, etc...

My trusty North Face backpack. I've had this thing since 1996 and it's still kickin'.  I bought a new backpack that I've been wanting to use, but the green guy has been everywhere with me, so I might as well not abandon it now. It's been soooo good to me!
I'll have limited internet access on my trip, so please don't expect regular posts for a while.  I will post if I can, but no pictures will go up until I return because I'm not taking my computer with me. 

Peace out!  Darby

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just a Post

It's Wednesday night and I just finished watching "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation." I just love that movie!!!!  I'm getting ready to go up to Seoul to meet a friend. This last week leading up to Christmas Break has been quite busy with work and with friends. This week I've had (or will have) two Christmas dinners, one Christmas party, and a couple nights out with my Korean friends. I've hit the pool 3 times this week and it feels great! My technique is still there, but I don't last too long, but that makes it easier to see results. Saturday morning I catch a bus at 6am up to Incheon (Seoul) Airport to catch my 10am flight to China, then on to Bangkok. I will be packing on Friday night...I'm a last minute packing type person. This is another boring post, but I figured I should post something. Here are some random pictures from the past few days...

A sculpture made by a student.  I don't know how they got away with this.  I found it (and what I'm doing) quite inappropriate, yet hilarious!!  Sorry.
A list of items up for auction at a school fundraiser.  Please read carefully (click to enlarge)....
Crappy cellphone picture of a dance club.
The Christmas tree from "Christmas Tree in a Can."  It's awesome!!!  Kind of reminds me of the tree from "Charlie Brown's Christmas."  =)
A few co-workers and I after a Christmas Dinner at Outback Steakhouse...that's right, we have Outback here!!  =)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Care Package

I received my 4th care package today and it made my day and that's why I'm blogging about it. Its contents: Bicycling magazine, Christmas Tree in a Can, homemade cookies and Chex mix, asthma medication, tasty soup mix, cashews, shirt from, random mail, Christmas card, hot chocolate mix, and a new Speedo!! That's right a new Speedo, and I look damn good in it..ha..jk. If you're lucky I'll post a pic...once again..jk. I'm swimming again and my old suits are worn out (eg nearly see through), so my mom sent me a new one. Plus I'll strut around in it on the Thailand and Bali beaches =) Seven days till departure!!

Thanks Mom!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ben Folds Five - Evaporated

The Ben Folds Five album "Whatever and Ever Amen" captured my senior year of high school(1997-1998)...a time of transition, anticipated change in life, closing one chapter while opening another. Recently, this album has found its way onto my playlist, and it brings back many memories. Now I find myself in Korea, in my late twenties. I've uprooted my life. I'm in the midst of transition. There have been significant changes in my circumstances, and significant changes within myself. I'm 4 months into a 2 year chapter of my times asking myself, "what have I done...?"

Monday, December 8, 2008

Seoraksan National Park

Two weekends ago 3 friends and I headed off on a 4 hour bus ride to the NE coast of South Korea to Seoraksan National Park. We went out the night before and didn't get to bed until 5:30am and had to be at the bus station at 7:30am. We got less than 1.5 hours of sleep before catching the bus, but thankfully I was able to sleep some on the bus ride. The place was beautiful. If we would have gone 3 or 4 weeks earlier it would have been amazing. We met some new people. Got in 2 great hikes. Froze. And froze some more. Nearly blown off the mountain. Slept on the floor. Went to the sauna. Returned home Sunday night. Had a great time. Here are some pictures...
Getting ready to fall asleep on the floor

Sleeping on the bus
Stairway to Heaven

The big mountain we were on top of

The view from the top
Chillin, trying not to look frozen
Will, Greg, me, Adam
Park entrance

Our hotel room. Fully furnished with a bed mat.

Will, he is part duck

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tis' The Season To Be Giving

I like water. You like water. I need water. You need water. We all need water. But over 1 billion people do not have access to life-sustaining, clean water. Give a little, help a lot!

Here are a couple credible organizations where you are able to help:

Charity Water

Blood:Water Mission

The school that I work at just did a fundraiser for Blood:Water Mission. It was an educational evening for me. Hence, this post.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Back in Business

It's reported that on Friday, Dec 5 Bangkok's airports will re-open!!! The protesters got what they wanted...the Prime Minister to concede. Here is an article on what happened. Hopefully, the media hasn't reported anything too soon. Travel plans are back in line!!! Sweet!

Monday, December 1, 2008


I miss my bike (bicycle)...actually bikes. I miss riding them. I miss working on them. I miss racing them. I haven't been a bike for quite a while now, and even longer since I've raced one. I miss being competitive. I miss suffering. I miss having concrete fitness goals. These days it's more like "I want to get in shape." What does that necessarily mean? What does that look like? Etc. That is a goal that does not create much motivation for me to achieve it. There has to be something to work toward, not a better physique, but more like I want to run or ride in this race, place this well, or maintain this pace. So here are my thoughts... you read a while ago that my mountain bike never made it to Korea and you also read that I started running again. Nowadays I have to keep the distance pretty short due to my crappy knees, that are getting progressively worse. But I can run a 5K (who can't) and a 10K, so that's what I'm going to stick with. Here in Korea there are plenty of 5k and 10K races in the spring months, which give me something to work towards during the winter months. Also, I think when I return to Kansas City (cause odds are that's where I'll end up) I'm going to pick up a cyclocross (cx) bike. You can ride it anywhere, plus there is a decent CX scene in Kansas City with plenty of races. In fact, the Cyclocross National Championships are held in KC. My return to KC is a long way from now, but those are my way to help prevent becoming stagnant again.

Wow, this was a boring post, but it's typed, so it's being posted.

A couple of my bikes...somewhere in Utah

Mountain biking in Durango, Colorado (check out the hair...ha)

Mountain biking in Jackson Hole, Wyoming (The Tetons in the background)