Friday, July 31, 2009

(2nd) Home Sweet (2nd) Home

I've been back in Korea for 7 days.  The flight and bus ride back home were smooth.  Korean Air remains my favorite airline.  Good entertainment, good food considering it's on a plane, friendly service, and hot flight attendants!  I'm all settled into my apartment once again.  This time I brought with me my favorite beers, Kool-Aid, fajita and taco seasonings, and a few other things to enjoy.

Saying my goodbyes for a 2nd time was not fun.  I will say it is much easier leaving the country when you aren't leaving a girlfriend behind.  And goodbyes are also much easier when you make them brief.  There was no standing around this year.  Nevertheless, it was still hard to leave home again.  It's difficult at times being torn between the comforts of home, family, friends and a lifestyle of new/different experiences, travel opportunities and change.

Thanks to mom who did some work for a guy that got a 75% discount at Fedex, he hooked me up and shipped my bike to Korea.  It arrived a day after I did.  While putting it together I messed up a piece of it, so my riding has been delayed a week while I wait for a new part.  I'm soooooo excited to have one of my bikes here.  It will allow me to do some exploring, connect with a different group of expats and Koreans.....and improve/maintain my health.

I have some amazing trips planned for this year, but will wait to write about them until the time nears.  Work is work, but whatever =)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pics from Colorado. By the way I'm back in Korea...

My nephew, Derek, looking cool while supporting Walt's Bike Shop!
My cousin and I after some 4-wheeling.
Part of the family before a nice hike.
Good view.
One of the many reasons why I like to don't those views from the bottom.
The Entertainment

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Colorado, etc.

This was written a few days ago.  I now have 5.5 days left in the states.  I will post some pics of Colorado once I get back to Korea (I forgot the computer cable for my camera).

I’m down to my final 1.5 weeks of my vacation/visit back to the states.  Time has gone by way too fast, and that is an understatement.  Right now I’m in Buena Vista staying in the “Cozy Cabin” with my mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law and my niece and nephew (3.5 and 1.5 years old respectively).  This has been an up close and personal time with the family and life with kids.  All I can say is that it must be different when you have your own kids.  Time in Colorado has been pretty fun.  Hiking, rafting, ATVing, eating, drinking (Bristol’s Compass IPA), and relaxing on the “Cozy Cabin’s” rear deck, which looks out onto the Collegiate Peaks.  Buena Vista is an amazing place and each time I visit, its beauty always leaves me in awe.

Coming back to the states was somewhat anti-climactic.  I arrived in the Atlanta airport and I thought to myself, “Welp, I’m home” and that was about all.  Immediately, the most notable difference was how diverse the US was compared to where I’ve been living.  And it was a bit weird not being surrounded by Koreans...that will soon change.

Being back in Kansas City has been bitter-sweet.  Spending time with family and friends has been refreshing and life-giving.  I am a fortunate person to have such great people in my life, and I do my best to remind myself of that fact each day.  Due to my surgery I ended up spending much more time at home with my parents than I had originally planned.  It’s been good there.  But prior to surgery and once off the pain meds I’ve been able to spend a good amount of with my friends.  I have felt loved!  But the life I left on July 29, 2008 no longer exists and that has been tougher to deal with than I thought.  Each restaurant, bar or place that I’ve visited, whether solo or with friends, something has been missing and that will be the case for an indefinite amount of time.  I didn’t expect things to be placed on hold while I was gone, but I also didn’t expect things to feel and be so different.  I’ve been overwhelmed with emotions, and thoughts, and memories.  One of my goals this past year has been to live in the moment, live in the here and now, rather than holding onto and being plagued by my past or always looking to the future for life “to fall into place.”  I feel like I’ve been rather successful in doing so, but my time in Kansas City has proven to be quite difficult in living out that goal.  I am trying!  =)

Here is a brief heads up for what I’m thinking about doing after year two of my contract in Korea.  Despite missing family, friends, and the comforts of home (the word “home” is becoming more loosely defined) I enjoy living overseas.  This last year I have felt alive.  I am a different person.  Being overseas and the opportunities/experiences that come with it tap into a part of my personality that needs to be stirred.  So this upcoming February I have plans on going to London to attend another international school recruitment fair.  At this fair I will have the chance to interview with European and South American schools.  My goal/dream is to land a job in: 1) Switzerland, 2) Austria or 3) Spain.  I think working in any European country would be amazing, but those are my top three picks.  My choices for South America include: 1) Brazil, 2) Argentina, 3) Chile or 4) Peru.  Working, living and playing in Europe would be a dream come true, but I also believe that doing those things in South America would stretch and challenge me to a greater degree and would most likely be more of a learning experience for me.  Anyways, those are my thoughts for now.  Things could change.  I’m open and flexible to what may come my way.  I will take hold of Korea for what it's worth over this next school year.

During my last few days in the states I will over-indulge in the things that Korea lacks.  I will eat, drink and be merry!  I will embrace the fleeting moments with family and friends!  I will be thankful for the present!