Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Few Pics and Words

The "Soda" Club

Every couple of weeks we get together for "sodas" and we cook for each other. This night we had dinner at Mikki's house. She cooked a great mixture of Korean and Western food. She knows I'm picky. In the pic: Me, Mikki, Melissa, Greg, Tiffeney.

Celebrating Melissa's birthday. She's from Honduras and was so kind to bring back some Honduran cigars =)
My beers are getting ready for a long plane ride.
This weekend some friends and I went to a show called "Breakout." It was a breakdancing musical comedy. Very cool! The first week of school went pretty smooth. Not too much going on right now. There is a trip to Yanji, China coming up at the end of September over the Korean Chuseok holiday. Yanji borders N. Korea. I'm trying to get signed up for a 4 day trip, but I don't know if I'll get a spot.

I started listening to a guy named John Legend. He's been around for a while, and I wish I heard his music a long time ago. Check out the album "Evolver."

1 comment:

What's in a name? said...

haha John Legend is amazing man. I'd love to make music like him. His first cd was alright, the second cd was the best in my opinion. check out "ordinary people" and "save room" good songs.