Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Going to China's capital city over its 60th year celebration made for an interesting, people-filled trip. Our flight was delayed 5 hours, which meant that we arrived at night on Oct 1st. Due to the massive celebration of Communism and all the fun festivities that entailed the subway line that we needed to take was closed. So we followed the masses into more masses into even more masses of people. I have never felt so out of place. After walking around aimlessly for nearly 2 hours we managed to get a taxi that could take us near our hotel. I say near our hotel because our hotel was located in an area that was blocked of to the public because of the celebration. We were not allowed to cross. After finding someone that spoke both Mandarin and English we were able to borrow a phone and contact the hotel. Another 1.5 hours passed and we were finally allowed to go to our hotel. Night 1 over.

Day 1 stuck in the airport for an additional 5 hours. One of hundreds of thousands of people walking the streets.

Day 2 consisted of a 2.5 hour, lightening fast, wild taxi ride to a drop off point on The Great Wall of China. We chose to do a 10K hike on the wall from one point to another. Spectacular weather. Spectacular scenery. Greg is a soccer player and pretends to be a tough guy, but I had to listen to him whine about carrying a small backpack for 5K (the easy 5K). It was a great hike. For Night 2 we went to one of the foreigner districts in search of a quality brew. Success. Wandered around with some people from the Philippines, Chicago, and LA.

Day 3: Tiananmen Square Attempt 1. Due to the national holiday, the number of people at the historically significant landmarks was insane. We walked around for a few minutes, then bailed. Went to the Temple of Heaven instead. Less people, but still thousands. Met up with Sue and her friend Jooyoung for the late afternoon and into the night. They took us to the Silk Market, an art district, a jazz club, an awesome restaurant, and a couple other great spots. It's so great having a local to show us around. Went back to the hotel and watched soccer.

Day 4: More walking and more pictures at The Summer Palace and the back streets. Night 4 we went to an English pub and then ventured out to a China night club. Danced. Danced some more. Met a group of Koreans and hung out with them. Kinda funny how we gravitated towards them.

Day 5: Tiananmen Square Attempt 2. Just as crazy as the 1st attempt. Braved the crowds. Had random people come up and take their picture with me. Funny. Walked around for several hours before heading to the airport to catch our 7pm flight home.

Beijing was great! I want to go back. So many different vibes to experience. Despite the absurd visa price, China, "I like you and hope to see you again!"

Click on the picture below to go a small photo album of the trip.


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