Thursday, January 21, 2010

Off To London

It's Thursday night here in Korea and I'm packing two suits and few other things in order to head off to London tomorrow morning . For three days I'll be attending an international school job fair in hopes of landing a job somewhere in Europe. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm wondering if any school is going to pick me up or not. It seems like everyone around me is confident that I'll get offered a job, but who knows...

As much as I want to leave Korea, I know I'm going to miss this place. The reality of a potential move hit me tonight while I've been packing. I'm actually sad. But this is normal and it will pass. I look forward to the possibilities of so many new experiences that come along with a new job in a new country.

We'll see what happens...

1 comment:

Kansas said...

Good luck! Keep us posted on what happens.