Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Past Few Weeks

Not a whole lot has been going on over the past few weeks, but here ya go...

You may have noticed in the news how strong the Swiss Franc has become in the last month. To attend my school for one year it now costs $97,000 USD. Ridiculous! It's not worth it, but our school provides the "status" that some people seek. Our school also accepts nearly everyone that can come up with the money. A perfect combination for some people. My next stop will be a "normal" school. But working here for now allows me some great opportunities outside of my job :)

Last weekend my friend (coworker) and I headed down the mountain to eat some Thai food and then explore some other mountains down the valley. While eating at the Thai restaurant we met an older Thai lady that works for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The three of us talked for a while and then we were invited to lunch the following day (Sunday) to eat some more Thai food with the company of her colleagues. We said sure...something different to do. After lunch Sion and I headed up the other mountains to check out a climbing a spot and try to find some mountain water to swim in. We were successful. We hiked around and found the climbing spot (too difficult for me) and then found a nice stream. The water was surprisingly cold, yet amazingly refreshing.

Found some water. Didn't find my swim trunks.
Sooooo cold!!!

Sunday was lunch. We drove about an hour to Morgins (border town between Swiss and France) to the lady's chalet. We arrived a bit early, so helped set up and prepare a bit of the food. I had a great time meeting some new people (although most I will never see again) with a huge variety of experiences. Having worked for the UNHCR they all had quite interesting stories and job placements. Hopefully another invite to enjoy some great food and company will be coming down the road.

The lunch group. The lady in orange was the random lady from lunch the day before. My friend is in green in front of me.

Work started. I guess I'm ready for it. Excited to get to know the new group of students, but a bit stressed about some that I know from last year. Where does a student go with a cumulative GPA of 1.0? Community college or vocational school are not options. We'll see what happens :)

Still riding my bike. Still getting worked over on the climbs. But loving every minute of it.

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