Monday, November 17, 2008

Brazilian Steakhouse, Smores, and S'more Dancing

I got into the bad habit of not carrying my camera around with me at all times, so I'm making an effort to carry it with me more often. This past weekend I went to Daejeon (1.5 hour bus ride south) to meet up with my friend from the states and a couple of his co-workers that I'll be traveling with over Christmas break. We had dinner reservations for 6:30 at Mr. Lee's Brazilian Steakhouse. Mr. Lee is Korean and he owns the place, but it is staffed by Brazilians, so it is authentic food. For 27,000 Won (~ $25) we had all you could eat beef, lamb, duck, chicken, turkey, and pork. I stayed away from the chicken and pork because I eat so much of that stuff as it is...I wanted to save my appetite for the good stuff. Sorry, I didn't take my camera out till after dinner.

The steakhouse was located on a hill overlooking a lake. There was also a campfire pit right outside the restaurant where you can hang out at after dinner. Before dinner we went and got the makings for Smores, so that after dinner we could make them at the campfire. We walked out to the campfire and sat down with our goodies. My friend and I were the only non-Koreans there, but our friend that came with us is Korean, therefore she knows the language, which was quite helpful. There were several Korean families at the campfire and most of them had little kids. So we decided that we would make Smores for all the kids and if the parents wanted one, they'd get one too. Koreans do not know about Smores, so they were in for a nice treat. Everyone was amazed at the roasting of marshmallows...they'd never seen it before. So we prepared the treats and watched them enjoy!!! It was great!! Lots of laughing, and broken English and a little bit of broken Korean on my part. I think the kids favorite part was roasting the marshmallows. What kid doesn't like fire?!

After dinner and dessert we headed off to grab a couple drinks at Santa's Bar. The owner's name is Mr. Ho, hence Santa's. We enjoyed some Guiness (at a reasonable price). Ran into a couple of schmuck foreigners. I left with a new Guiness pint glass for 1,000 Won (80 cents)...score!! Next we were off to a dance club. No great stories from there, except that I danced...haha. It was a fun night in Daejeon.

Here are some pics...

My dancing queens!

What looks to be the "peace" symbol actually means "victory" here in Korea. Every picture...

Word to your mother!

I call this one "Lazer Head"...or" look at my double chin"...ha!

I call this one "totally awesome/L-E-G-E-N-wait for it D-A-R-Y!"

Hayes, myself, and an "ajashi."

Hayes, Jen, a kid we called Jack, and myself roasting marshmallows!

More roasting. I also taught Jack how to "pound it," "bump it" ...whatever you call it!


Dosgruppen said...
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Kansas said...

Hmm...I think perhaps the title of the picture "awesome" should change to "totally awesome/L-E-G-E-N-wait for it D-A-R-Y!"

Looks like you guys had a blast!