Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today was one of those days.  A day where I kind of hate Korea.  I miss my friends and family back home, but I'm definitely not homesick...I enjoy being here most of the time except for when the little things add up.  Today I was almost hit by a car while I was walking across the street at a crosswalk.  The driver ran a red light and nearly hit me and 3 students, so while he passed I decided I would punch his car.  He stopped and rolled down his window and started yelling at me. He was yelling in Korean, so I don't know exactly what he was saying, but I have a good idea =).  This evening I had an appointment in Seoul like I do every Thursday.  Traffic was horrible due to the rain, plus I didn't know it was going to rain, so I didn't have my umbrella, so I was looking like a wet dog by the time I got on the bus.  Because of the traffic I nearly missed my appointment, but thankfully I made it.  After my appointment I always go into Itaewon to eat some Western food, and then I take a taxi back to where I catch the bus to return to Suwon.  It is quite the process getting anywhere via public transportation...especially when you live outside of Seoul.  Anyways, after eating dinner in Itaewon I hopped in a cab and told the driver where to go.  He ended up taking a route that I've never seen before and wanted to drop me off at a place I did not want to get dropped off.  I told the cab driver another landmark and he got me there.  The cab ride cost twice as much as usual.  I missed the bus that I planned on taking, so I had to catch the next bus.  When I got on the bus I went to the back where there is normally more room, but instead I was greeted by a Korean man that had too much Soju and spicy chicken.......he was puking his guts up into a plastic bag and the bus reeked of the partially digested combo of Soju and spicy chicken...disgusting!!  Dude, if you're going to be stupid and drink yourself sick at least take a taxi, so others don't suffer because of your stupidity.  At 11pm traffic was still a nightmare!  But I was on the bus and I had a seat, so I turned on my music and tried to relax for the extended, smelly bus ride home.  I got home a midnight!

Ok, my bitch session is over.  Please pardon the language in the picture, but it's  how I feel tonight.


Anonymous said...

Hey dude, Nate turned me on to your blog. I lived in Hong Kong for a year so totally relate with days like this. Sorry! Hope tomorrow is better.

moe didde

Darby said...

hey, thanks moe diddie!!!!!! tomorrow is a new day, so i'm sure i'll be good to go =) thanks for stopping by!!!

Sarah Moran said...

bummer, thats way too much yuck in one day..sorry to hear it. on the bright side, you found an excellent picture of a bird that illustrates it well -- i have to say that part did make me laugh..also, your time overseas has allowed you to spread farkleing around the world :)
thinking of ya...

What's in a name? said...

Hang in there bro. You're right, tomorrow is a new day. I'll be praying you have more enjoyable experiences than the crummy ones.

oh and thanks for the bday wishes're awesome. Peace.