Saturday, April 11, 2009

Philippines 2009

Welp, I'm back from the Philippines and once again I've enjoyed another great trip to a beautiful country in SE Asia.  At this point in time I'm not really in the mood to write a lot about my trip.  I had an amazing time, but there a definitely some conditions and cultural norms that are quite saddening.  

Over the past few months, especially when traveling, I've wondered a lot about my role as a person in the grand scheme of things, how I fit in it, and what sort of difference I want to make. My heart is constantly pulled in numerous directions.  I enjoy the comforts of my lifestyle that I have here in Korea and the life I left back in Kansas City.  I want to get married and have kids.  I want a house.  I want a "normal" American life.  Etc.  But at the same time I have such an adventurous spirit that seemed to disappear over the last few years while living out the "normal" American life.  My heart is also pulled towards a more humanitarian direction.  A large part of me wants to give up my comforts and pursue a life of helping those in the greatest need.  I don't know which direction I will go.  I want happiness, but it's difficult for me to be truly happy when I know others don't even have the basic necessities to live.  

Anyways, that is a brief tangent, but something that I think about quite often.

Here is a link to some pictures from the Philippines:

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