Friday, August 8, 2008

I've made it a week!!

So I've been in Korea now for just over a week now  and it's already growing on me in some ways.  Things I like about far:
- Kids bow to me at school
- I get to walk to work instead of driving 25 minutes
- There's a bit of adventure in each day
- My school and coworkers/friends are great
- There is a lot of exploring to do
- The culture is one of respect
- MegaPlex movie theater...the screens are HUGE and the sound is LOUD!!!

Those are just a few reasons so far, but on the flipside there are some difficulties:
- My girlfriend is not here.  Saying I miss her is an understatement!!!!!
- I don't know the language
- I'm tired of being stared at
- I feel like a tourist and I hate that feeling
- A great value is placed on one's image
- People don't watch where they're going

This evening a few coworkers and I went to dinner.  I have no idea what the place was called, but the food was amazing!!!  We ate something called "takalbi" or something of the like.  It's chicken and some other stuff...relatively spicy for me, but oh so good!!!  The picture is above...can't figure out how to place it where I want it.  I had a Cass beer.  It's cheap beer, but pretty good for cheap beer.  Still haven't found the good stuff, you know, what I'm used to =)  A lot to see, a lot to do, a lot to explore and enjoy!  In fact I'm getting ready to head to a Korean Jazz club...


Liz Lincoln said...

the chicken dish looks WONderful.
so glad to see that you're surviving and possibly (?) thriving in this new place, new experience!

I think they stare at you b/c you're obviously brave to take this new adventure head-on. yah. it's the bravery and courage they're seeing.

perhaps, do you swagger like john wayne?
take care we're thinking of you tons!

Darby said...

yes, that dish is one of my favs...i only have a few. i would say that i'm on the verge of thriving. good point on what they are seeing =) tell california i said hey.