Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Korea vs. Japan

The BEST example of a Korean not knowing what their clothing says =)
Bullet train to Nagasaki
Places I went
Going to the sauna
The Hydrofoil from Korea to Japan...it was cool!

The site where the atomic bomb exploded
Looking over Nagasaki...where the bomb exploded
Chillin' on the KTX (Korean bullet train)
Prior to coming to Korea, I tried to read as many blogs as possible of expats living/working in Korea.  What was common to many of those blogs, was something to the effect of...don't compare Korea to the US or whatever Western country that you're from.  Leave behind what you believe to be normal.  Since arriving here, my thoughts have been that this place is crazy and life here does not make much sense.  I pushed those thoughts aside in attempt to give Korea a fighting chance, and leave my biases 8000 miles away...that's kind of impossible to do though.  I've done my best not to compare Korea (lifestyle, traditions, social norms) to those of the US, but I was never told not to compare it to another eastern Asian country.  I just got back from 4 days in Japan.  On one hand the trip was great, but on the other hand I've returned to Korea kind of pissed and annoyed with everything here.  For 4 days I experienced what a "civilized" Asian country is really like...I've been fooled these last 6 weeks.  Japan is clean...Korea is filthy.  Traffic laws are followed in Japan...in Korea they are ignored.  Japan's food is clean and healthy...Korean food stinks (eg Kimchi) and I don't think it's that healthy.  Japan does not smell...Korea smells like Kimchi and trash.  Japan has a trash system that makes sense...Korea does not.  The Japanese watch where they are walking...Koreans do not and subsequently run into people (eg me).  The list could go on and on and so could my bitching, but I'm going to stop with that.  I believe the Korean people are more friendly than their Japanese neighbors and that benefits a foreigner such as myself =)  And it's cheaper here in Korea.

Anyways, my time in Japan was great.  I went to Fukuoka (Southern part of Japan) and spent 3 nights there.  I spent a day at Nagasaki touring the Atomic Bomb museum, the bomb site, a Buddhist temple and some random streets.  Went to Momochi (sp?) beach and chilled for a while.  Saturday night I ran into a guy from Portland and ended up in an Irish pub/dive bar where I was able to drink a Rogue Golden Ale (ahhh sweet nectar) for $9 a pint and ended up a club called FUBAR...that was interesting.  My time away from Korea was nice and needless to say I'm not ready to go back to work.

As usual, here are some pictures.

1 comment:

Liz Lincoln said...

brutally honest post. emphasis on the brutal. =)
would love to hear more (at some point in teh future) about the atomic bomb museum/memorial etc.
was that really strange to see/visit as an American?