Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Unthinkable

Life doesn't always go as planned and these past couple of months I have had an up close and personal experience with that. When I ventured off to Korea in July of 2008 I planned on being here for two years and then returning to the states. A couple months into my stay circumstances back home changed, so I was less inclined to return home after two years in Korea. Over the course of my time here I've come to love living outside of the states. I miss a lot of people and aspects of American life, but the international educator lifestyle is great.

For quite some time now I've planned on finishing my contract here (June 2010) and then moving to another country to work at another international school - hopefully in Europe. I applied to approximately 15 schools and attended a job fair in London. No results. A potential offer with a school in London fell through after their current counselor decided to stay. My interviews with a school in Zurich went well, but they wanted someone with UK university experience. The American School of the Hague wanted a female counselor. And, well, some schools just weren't interested in me.

Here I am now with no other options for a job. My current school has been kind in allowing me extra time to find other employment, but they finally said time is up, and I have to decide what I'm going to do. It's either sign for another year here in Korea or face the possibility of unemployment or having to take a job for 2 years in a country that I don't want. So I'm signing on for another year in Korea. I never thought I'd be spending 3 years here in Korea, as two has been more than enough! But circumstances change, therefore, plans have to change. My attitude has been very negative towards the thought of staying here another year, but I must change that now because it's a reality. My situation is great compared to many others. I have a good job, I get to travel a lot, and I'm able to save money - that's a nice combination :) I am working on changing my attitude, and seeing the ways that I can benefit by being in Korea for another year. Wish me luck! :)


Nathan said...

Hang in there Darby. At least you'll have plenty of kimchi!

Kansas said...

Oh Wow! Will warned me this was an option, but of course I was hoping you would come back to the states. I agree with Nate, hang in there, a year goes by quickly, two years go by quickly as you know.

Miss you!