Thursday, May 27, 2010

Let the Goodbyes Begin

Today was our last day of class, which will be followed by a week of student exams. We had an end of year assembly where student awards were handed out and the official goodbye was given to each departing staff member - that included me. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal, but I was caught off guard. My principal said some very kind words to/about me while I stood before the student body. I got just a little bit choked up, but not too know, just a couple small tears. The principal said goodbyes to the three other departing staff members, then the assembly was finished. Afterwards, student after student approached me to say some nice words, tell me that they'll miss, and give me a hug. This is where I struggled. I was sad to begin with, but when I see other people cry, I share that experience with them. So a lot of hugs and tears later I was in the clear.

As much as I hate Korea, I love it. As much as the students frustrate me, I truly care about them. As much as the parents drive me crazy, I've built some great relationships with many of them. Four months into my stay here I was ready to bail on my contract and move home. I endured. My time here has been a mixture of love and hate, frustration and joy, camaraderie and loneliness, along with a number of other emotions.

Although I'm ready to leave, part of me desires to stay. I will miss my students, my coworkers, my friends - all those that have been a part of my life here in Korea. I'm moving on to what will be another chapter of travels, adventures, and new experiences, but I'll be taking with me many great memories of Korea.

1 comment:

Kansas said...

I'm so proud and inspire by your perseverance. Looking forward to hearing more about the emotional process of it all when you come home next week!