Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Lot to Say, A Little to Write

I've been back in the states now for just over a month. Much of my time has been spent with my family, friends and bicycle. It's so wonderful to re-connect with everyone back here, but at the same time the lifestyle differences are apparent and my position overseas is a great fit for the time being.

After 2 years of living abroad I know that I fit in better out of the states, than in the states. For a long time I was following the traditional path and that path did not lead to happiness for I made a change. Although I miss regular time with family and friends, the adventure, new experiences and a broadened perspective make it worth it.

Despite knowing that the move and change I made was a good one, there are many times that I wish I was in one place. The past few days have been spent at a conference in Boston, MA for the Overseas Association of College Admission Counseling. Nearly 900 people representing over 80 countries gather together to network, share stories, learn, and have a good time. There are so many single people here though...of all ages. I've realized that this profession lends itself to a life of singleness, though not in all cases. Two years ago I was not ready for marriage (not for sure how I feel about the institution of marriage)...I'm still not, but I am more ready for long-term relationship than in the past. I've had the opportunity to meet many people that share my interest for education, travel, and adventure and at this conference I've met even more. I met a great gal this weekend from Vancouver, Canada. She works as an Admissions Rep for a Canadian university. We connected in many ways and it's times like these when I wish I was stationary and in a place to have a real relationship. It's times like these when I wrestle with what I've written at the beginning of this post.

I'm not sure what Switzerland holds for me. I look forward to the diverse student population that I will be working with, the skiing, the cycling, and the European travel. Four more weeks till my departure!!

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