Friday, August 13, 2010

Summer Is Nearly Over

It's been great to be back here spending time with family and friends, and I feel like the time is much more rich given that it's limited and not something I experience on a regular basis now that I'm no longer living here. Going to my favorite places seem "that" much better now. I value the time spent with those near to me.

In 3 days I'm off to Leysin, Switzerland where I will be for at least the next 2 years. I signed my contract with the intention of staying additional years given that I like my job there...we'll see what happens. I'm doing my best to manage my expectations of what my life will be like when I'm in a place where I have access to so many things that make me feel alive (e.g. skiing, mountain biking, cycling, hiking, etc.). I believe that my quality of life and my health will improve being in such a place, but I still have a job to do and that's what most of my time will be spent doing. I'll have about the same amount of vacation time here as I had in Korea, which will allow me ample time to travel around Europe. My list of places to go is long!

I bought a new (used) road bike for my time over there. I contacted an old friend who is a sales rep for Trek Bicycles and he was able to pass along huge savings to me on a 2010 Trek Madone 6.9. This bike is AMAZING...more bike than I need, but hey, I got a great deal :) Right out my door in Leysin is world-class cycling, and I'm going to ride as much of it as possible.

Something I may not have mentioned earlier is that my school has a ski term. From January to March, every Tuesday and Thursday is ski day, which means that we have school the 1st part of the day, and then the 2nd part of the day is spent on the ski slopes! :) That's quite the job perk.

Hopefully in the weeks to come I'll have some fun stories/pictures/videos of my new "home."

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