Sunday, January 9, 2011

Korea Revisited

Much to my surprise and many others, I opted to return to Korea for my Christmas vacation. I had originally planned on traveling Europe during the holiday, but after an exhausting semester I just wanted to see some friends and escape from what was, at times, a sterile life in Switzerland. Rather than returning home for the holidays where the goodbyes never seem to get easier, I came to Korea instead.

After arriving in Switzerland I began doubting my decision to leave Korea. I worked at a great school and had great friends, but my view of Korea was jaded by things in my control as well as things out of my control. In Korea I struggled with living a healthy life - physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. - and that was my number one reason for leaving. I had a love/hate relationship with Korea. My life is the classic case of the grass always being greener on the other side. Anyways, I was second guessing my decision to leave and was even considering a return back to Korea for work.

This trip has brought some closure for me, even though the temptation to return still lurks around the corner. Korea is a fun place. There is an energy that exists there that I haven't experienced anyplace else. But I want to live a healthy life and I want a healthy relationship and I don't foresee myself having/doing either if I returned to Korea. So my three weeks here have confirmed my decision to leave and my thoughts about my life here...but who knows what will happen in the future...I'm known to make decisions that don't make much sense.

It's been great to see friends and to see people who I thought I would probably never see again. When I arrived at the Incheon airport it felt like I never left. I'm comfortable here in Korea and I know how things work here. I know more Korean than I do French (I know zero French), so it's pretty easy for me to get around. I stayed at my friend's apartment, so I had a free place to crash. I spent my first night here throwing up...not because I drank too much, but because I either caught the 24 hour flu or ate something bad on the plane...I think it was the 24 hour flu. Thankfully the school nurse was able to get me to the doctor the next day. It's been bitter cold here in Korea, much colder than in Switzerland. After the stomach issue left, I then caught a cold, which I've had for the duration of my trip. I went to the doctor two times here, and then the other day a filling popped out, so I will go to the dentist before I leave. But despite all this, I've had a good time here, and I'm leaving excited to return to Switzerland.

The start of the semester will be busy, but I'm rewarded with skiing during the school day and then some weekend trips to different ski resorts around Switzerland and France. My friends Peter and Leslie are visiting at the end of January/beginning of February. They will spend a couple of days in my town, and then we're headed to Chamonix, France for a few days of skiing there. I welcome any visitors. Living overseas and not being able to share my life with people close to me gets kind of old, so I'm excited to have some visitors!

Well, there's a brief update of my life...if anyone is still reading this..hah.

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