Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Looking Back

This evening I had dorm supervision duty, which means that for 4 hours I sit at a desk or wander the dorm and make sure students stay relatively on task. Out of boredom while sitting at my desk I thought it would be kind of fun to look back at my blog. My first entry was some time back in June/July of 2008. I laughed a lot about some of the things I wrote. Two years ago seems like such a long time ago. Lately I've lacked the motivation to write much, but I'm going to try again. This semester should be full of opportunities to take pictures, ski and travel, so hopefully I'll get some of those pics and stories up on here.

This past weekend I went to Gstaad, Switzerland, which is about an hour from here. Normally it has great skiing, but lately the weather has been quite warm and all the ski resorts at lower elevations suck (including Leysin). So we went a bit higher for a little better conditions. A friend from Asia was in town for work with her marketing team. Since she does some work with school counselors, I was written off as a business expense...which means my hotel, lift tickets, and meals were taken care of. A great, unexpected gift! Despite the poor ski conditions it was a fun weekend with a group of people outside of work. I'm waiting on pictures from the people I was with...if I get some, then I'll post them.

This weekend I am supposed to be on duty, but got it switched so that I can go to Chamonix, France with 3 coworkers to ski. I have high expectations for the skiing there, but if the snow is not good, at least the scenery will be. I will take my camera with me.

There's a lot going on in my mind right now about the future. I came here with the intention of staying 3 to 5 years, but as you've read in previous posts I'm not to keen on my school, so I will hopefully be leaving after my initial 2 year contract is up. There are some positives about being here, namely the travel opportunities, riding my bike, skiing, and having worked in a Swiss boarding school, believe it or not, is a huge C/V booster. Part of me would like to stay in Europe, but another part of me would like to go back to Asia...I'm thinking Japan. There are several jobs that I'm interested in that are posted for the next school year, but I will have to hope that some jobs that I'm interested in will be available for the year after (starting Fall 2012). If I stay in Europe I will need to be in a city. Despite my love for the outdoors, I need more than that...I need people, culture, energy, etc. But I need to focus on now, and make the most of my current situation, which really is quite good.

That's enough for now. Pictures to come in the near future...

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