Sunday, August 24, 2008


Karate Hayes
"I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think so"
We are fashionable
Picture of my school
My silly new hat
Hayes, guard, me
Part of the palace
Funny kid
Hot dog truck...
Funny bathroom sign
On my way to dinner
A sign at my school
Min Hyung and I
Like I said from the's going to be difficult for me to blog.  I've been in Korea now for 24 days.  I'm pretty well situated by now, yet I know I will come across something new each day.  My girlfriend suggested that if I have a hard time blogging, then I should just post pictures and tell about them, so I'll probably do that in the near future...or even this update.

Things I've done since my last blog:
- Found milk that does not upset my stomach (took 3 tries)
- Been to Seoul 3 times, going to different places each time (Gangnam, Hondae, Itaewon, Anguk)
- Navigated and rode the subway in Seoul, solo, without getting lost
- Eaten more Korean food and managed to stay away from most stuff that I don't like
- Went to Costco
- Been run into by at least 500 Koreans not watching where they are going
- Started a new exercise routine
- Finished the 1st two weeks of school
- Met up with my Korean friend Min Hyung who I met through UMKC
- Attempted to go bungee jumping only to be rained out
- Drank a bottle of Soju (yuck)
- Almost got used to cheap beer
- Went to a dance club and enjoyed it for just a bit
- Toured a palace
- Ate at Outback Steakhouse =)

I've started a new Sunday ritual.  Sunday night is Bakery night.  The bread here is AMAZING.  There is a bakery about 5 minutes from my apartment.  So I wait till the evening, then head down to the bakery.  After buying the best bread I've ever had, I head back home, but I stop at the convenience store to pick up an orange Capri Sun for 500 Won (50 cents) for the walk home.  This new thing has only been going on for 2 weeks, but it will continue.  

I'm enjoying my time here.  Yes, I do miss home!  I miss my girlfriend, my family and my friends, but I feel pretty good about my decision to come here.

Here are some pictures...  They may be up above or down below...formatting on here stinks...


Nathan said...

Nice pics! Korea looks Ka-razy! Ask Min Hyung if he's had any Jack Daniels lately..

Anonymous said...

Hey Darbs - good talking to you last weekend. Enjoyed reading your blog just now. Pretty funny that people keep staring at you.


Darby said...

Holy Cow...I got my first comments...thanks guys!