Thursday, October 16, 2008


Tonight I finished catching up on Season 4 (current season) of "How I Met Your Mother." "Intervention" was the title of the last one. Despite the show being AWESOME I feel like I can relate to that group of friends and I see that group as being similar to the group of friends that I left behind when I came overseas. I especially connected with this last episode (episode 4) where so much change is going on in everyone's lives and they are in a position where they can continue holding onto the lives they've had the past few years, or move on in life and embrace the changes that are ahead of them. At one point there is panic among all of them where they are frantic to hold on to the past, to the normal, to the comfortable lives to which they've become accustomed. What I liked about this episode was the end where they all embraced the changes going on their respective lives, and met up one year later at their bar to reconnect, to reminisce, and to continue moving on with their lives. I've been out of the country for about 11 weeks now. The "honeymoon" period is over. The glamour of moving overseas is over. The reality of what/who I left back home stares at me each day. I do hope that when I return to the states this summer, that my close group of friends and I return to our favorite bar(s) and enjoy some good beer and laughs together and we experience more fully the joys of our friendships. I look forward to seeing you all at The Flying Saucer, The Cashew, or Charlie Hoopers!!

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