Thursday, October 30, 2008

LA = Success

Alegria...the Cirque Du Soleil show that I'll see in a week


Surfers in the fog

More surfing in the fog

Carson and our surfboards

El Porto...where we surfed

My time in LA was pretty good! I actually arrived two days prior to the start of the conference...thanks to whoever booked my ticket! Here's what I did:
-Spent time with my friend Carson
-Went to the beach 4 of the 5 days I was there: Venice Beach, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach
-Surfed for 1 day at El Porto
* I managed to slice my entire right hand open on the surfboard. Had to get bandaged up by the lifeguard as it was a bloody mess. I stayed out of the water for a while because I did not want to become shark bait =) I know, a bit paranoid.
-Ate Olive Garden twice, Panera Bread Co once, BBQ once, Mexican once, and plenty of other good food
-Met some great folks at the conference and learned plenty of new information
-Drank a bottle of Chimay my last night there while I packed

Those were the highlights...if you want to call them that. I'm also working at perfecting the art of talking to strangers. Often times I find myself runnin' around solo, so I figure it's time to venture out of my comfort zone a little bit more, which means striking up random conversations. So I was sitting at the hotel bar one night next to an Australian guy. I said hey, asked what he was doing in LA. Bad move!!!! I regret striking up this conversation, but oh well it was rather funny. The guy was drunk and he talked for nearly 30 minutes and the only two words that I knew for sure that he was saying was the word that rhymes with hunt, but starts with a "c" and the f-bomb. It was quite amusing, but after 30 minutes I'd had enough, so I parted by saying his favorite word, rhymes with hunt, starts with "c" and went and sat on the other side of the bar. Trying to understand a drunk Australian takes too much effort. While in the Tokyo airport I was eating some tasty ramen...I recommended it to some lady walking by, she got some and liked it. After she finished eating she stopped by my table and gave me a pack of M&M's...what a pleasant surprise and a great dessert!

Well, I'm back in Korea. I have 6 weeks until Christmas break (3 weeks off). I have one small trip planned for the end of November. For Halloween I'm attending some party in Seoul, but I have no idea what I'm going to go as. I thought about going as a swimmer and just wearing a Speedo...that'll give people something funny to look at. Next weekend I'm going to see Cirque Du Soleil...flippin excited about that.

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