Sunday, October 19, 2008

LA Here I Come!

This upcoming Thursday I'm headed back to the States for yet another conference. It's kind of nice racking up thousands of frequent flyer miles!! I'll be arriving in LA on Thursday morning and will be leaving Tuesday morning, so I'll have a significant chunk of time to enjoy the luxuries of the States. My agenda for LA is much like that of Seattle:
1) Attend conference and hopefully learn something new
2) Do a bit of shopping for things that are difficult to find here. I'm on the hunt for quality dress socks. Kind of silly I know. I will be checking in one bag on the way there, but two bags on the way back and that second bag will be filled with FOOD!!!!
3) Eat as much American food as possible and fill my belly with quality microbrews. Although I did find a place in Itaewon that has a Canadian microbrew, which is REALLY good. I think I gained five pounds from my trip to Seattle, but that's okay b/c I've lost more than that since I've been in Korea.

My buddy Carson Swisher, C-Luv to those in the music and film industry, wins the All-Star Friend Award. This award is something brand new. He bought a plane ticket 3 days ago to come visit me in LA. So we plan on running around together and if time allows hit up the ocean for a bit of surfing...sweet!!

Other exciting news...none really =) I bought a mattress pad yesterday. It only took me 11 weeks to buy one...should have bought one 11 weeks ago. It makes a world of difference. My bed has gone from uncomfortable to only mildly uncomfortable =) I went hiking today. There is a mountain aka hill (there is no distinction in the Korean language) right across the street from my apartment. I found a great trail running route with some lung and quad busting climbs. My arse will be getting kicked on this route for a while! =) I came down with my first Korean cold probably due to my lack of sleep. So far it's not as bad as my American colds. Oh, here is some big news. I sent in my absentee ballot on Friday. I voted for President, a couple tax proposals in Liberty, MO and for Governor. I didn't vote for a lot of other positions b/c I didn't know much about those running. I figure I'd better not vote for those positions, rather than make an uninformed vote...I think that's good rationale. Will Pryor will be receiving at least one vote for Missouri Governor as he was my write-in candidate...go Will Pryor!!!! I got your back! You own me a beer for that!

1 comment:

What's in a name? said...

enjoy LA man! I havne't been there yet, on my agenda though.

If you ever come back to KC dude let me know, would love to hear about your korea experience.