Sunday, November 2, 2008


The other day at school a couple students said that I look like Hercules. Yeah, where'd they come up with that one? Anyways, I'll take the compliment...haha.

I was riding the subway in Seoul and I accidentally pressed the emergency stop button. Whoops!!! I got lots of looks and laughs. Unfortunately I didn't know how to say "I'm sorry" (since then I've learned), so I said the Korean word for "thank you," smiled and waved to everyone. It made no sense, but I didn't know what else to say. Ten minutes later the train was up and running.

Halloween in Korea is pretty fun. You feel really silly riding public transit from a non-Western part of town to Western part of town where other people are dressed up. Lots of people dressed up and celebrated, even some Koreans. My costume sucked. Should have bought something when I was in LA.

The other night there was a misunderstanding at a restaurant and a Korean man tried to start a fight with me. I was blamed for something I didn't do. I thought it was rather humorous, so that probably didn't help the situation. Another Korean guy intervened. I'm a peacemaker, but please do not interrupt my eating or we may have trouble =)

I finished "The Year of Living Biblically - One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible." I really enjoyed reading the book. If you're looking for a book that will make you laugh out loud, then look no further. The book has some good food for thought as well. I'm not a book critic.

I started reading "Eat, Love, Pray." Very candid, which I appreciate. A bit sad so far. Divorce. Desperate love. De-valuation of self. Just moved to Italy. Looking forward to the rest of the book. Also picked up "Kite Runner" and "The Road."

Here are a few pics...

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