Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Blog

I'm a relatively candid person, but I find myself feeling the need to censor what I write on my blog (not because of inappropriate content, but for reasons somewhat unknown).  When I first starting blogging I was quite un-enthused about doing so. These days I find myself wanting to blog all the time...whether it's about a new song/album that I just heard, an emotion or thought that I had, a silly statement that I heard during the day, an encounter with a Korean, anything. I could probably post twice a day (at least). When I first moved to Korea I had someone back home to talk to on a twice-a-day basis. It was during those conversations that I could share what was going on here in Korea each day, therefore I didn't feel the need to write a blog.  I do not have those twice-a-day conversations anymore.  In fact, if I get to talk on the phone with someone back home once a week, I consider it a good week of communication.  So maybe that's why I find myself wanting to blog all the time because I can no longer consistently tell another person what's going on in my life.  So (some of) it ends up here.  In the posts to come you may (or may not) see another side of me.  We shall see...

One of the most common sites on the subway...a drunk person passed out...rather humorous!!

My buddy, Greg, and I receiving verbal instructions on how to use chopsticks. PS...we already knew how to use them.

Me picking up a Skittle with takes talent...I was very excited! =)

Don't mess with the Chopstick Compadres!

1 comment:

Number Cruncher said...

Just learned how to have my Outlook check your blog automatically. I'm pretty excited about that. Now I can read regularly.

The picture of you and Greg sitting at a desk that is slightly two little with a Korean kid teaching you to use chopsticks is priceless. I mean that is really funny.