Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Name Change

My blog was originally titled "The Moped Diaries" because I had a vision of purchasing a moped/scooter and riding around all of Korea experiencing the people, the culture, the landscape, etc. Well several weeks ago I opted not to purchase a moped for several reasons: 1)shopping for one was difficult 2)can't take scooters on the highway, nor do I want to after experiencing the driving here, 3)I'd rather use the money on a plane ticket somewhere. Also, I was planning on having my mountain bike shipped over via the military. I had a friend back home take my bike to a shop to have it boxed to certain specifications. The bike shop failed to follow directions, so my bike is sitting in two boxes, one of which the military will not ship. So no moped, no bicycle. Oh well, I have two legs that work very well, buses and trains are frequent, and taxis are cheap. Plus if I really need to go somewhere I can borrow a car from my school...I have my Korean driver's license. The other day I drove for the first time in 3.5 months...it was quite fun. I could speed, swerve, honk! I could do whatever I wanted and it was permissible. Back to the name change. It's now titled "The No-Ped Diaries" because I do not have a moped or a bicycle...no wheels, no pedals.

The weather has changed in Korea. I thought I would handle the cold weather quite well being from KC, MO where we have cold winters. The difference here is that it went from being nice weather to bitter cold in a matter of 3 days. There is no in between here like in the Midwest. This morning it was 19 degrees F when I walked to work. Four days ago it was 40-45 degrees F when I walked to work. My blood needs to thicken or maybe I'll walk to work sipping on my flask of whiskey. Just kidding.

This is what I look like when walking to work in the morning...

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