Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dating In Korea

If I had only one word to describe dating in Korea it would be - AWKWARD. If I had only two words to describe dating in Korea they would be - AWKWARD and CONFUSING. And if I had only three words they would be - AWKWARD, CONFUSING and HILARIOUS. AWKWARD and CONFUSING are experienced throughout the date, whereas HILARIOUS is experienced afterward when I'm going home laughing to myself at how AWKWARD and CONFUSING that date just was. Are you following me...? =)

Despite the risk of sounding shallow at times I will continue with this posting =) Over the past couple of months I have been on dates with 11 different gals. Ten of them were Korean and one was from the states. Some of the Korean gals lived abroad and some had never left Korea...this makes a lot of difference. Dating in a foreign country makes things interesting for a number of reasons. 1) The language barrier. Never have I had to repeat myself so many times and never have I had to say "what" so many times. 2) The cultural differences. The way people approach dating is different here. A majority of people live with their parents until they are married, so by in large most everyone still lives at home with their parents. US (Western) culture and Korean culture are at opposite ends of the cultural continuum 3) The way people communicate is different...my dry sense of humor is beyond understanding here. 4) Most of the time I don't have a clue as to where to go for the date. Back in the states I could always come up with some good date ideas, but here, I'm lost. As a result I end up looking indecisive and clueless. 5) Eating with Koreans can be disturbing. It can turn an attractive girl into somewhat of an animal. Slurping, chomping, and chewing with your mouth open is culturally acceptable. Yuck! Ha! Those are my Top 5 reasons why dating in Korea is AWKWARD, CONFUSING and HILARIOUS.

Not only are the dates interesting, but so is going about getting a date or getting turned down for a date. Ha =) I'll share a brief story to illustrate how Korean girls are confusing. One nightI was playing pool with a couple buddies. We asked two Korean gals if they'd like to join. They accepted. We ended up playing pool with them for nearly 2 hours. (Side Note: their English was good). My partner and I talked and laughed the entire time...things seemed to be going well. I told her I'd like to take her out sometime. She said "here's my number, give me a call and we'll go out this weekend." We continued playing pool for a bit longer, then it was time for me to leave. I said I'd give her a call and set something up for this weekend...you know...because it seemed like I had the go ahead. It was at that time that she turned to me and said, "I'm not into you." (almost like the popular book title) I was like, "Huh?" Again, she said, "I'm not into you." I laughed, threw my beer on her and left. Just kidding. I just laughed and then left. 2+2 did not equal 4 that night. It made no sense. She made no sense. All signs pointed to yes. My buddies got a good laugh out of that!! =) Anyways, that is just one example. I have plenty more awkward stories.

I've had a couple 2nd dates and even a 3rd date, but it all stops there thus far. Trying to really get to know them and them getting to know me is difficult mostly due to the language and cultural differences. But Korean girls are BEAUTIFUL (except for when eating) and, well, I guess that's why I keep trying. Call me shallow, but hey, I gotta do what I gotta do...I'm here for a while. Ha!

Who will end up next to me...? It's a mystery =)


Anonymous said...

It sounds torturous....and i can (all too well) imagine the scene over a meal. It is common to eat in such a fashion in other Asian cultures as well. The lip smacking burping are my favorites...apparently a sign of a good meal. Hang in there! Liz

What's in a name? said...

Ah dude, i dated a korean girl for like 2 years, i know exactly what you mean. Most times, I think the excitement of dating a foreigner is the "in" thing, but when you get down to trying to have a serious relationship...then things change. But good luck, i'd say you'd be able to nab one if you want. heh.