Monday, December 8, 2008

Seoraksan National Park

Two weekends ago 3 friends and I headed off on a 4 hour bus ride to the NE coast of South Korea to Seoraksan National Park. We went out the night before and didn't get to bed until 5:30am and had to be at the bus station at 7:30am. We got less than 1.5 hours of sleep before catching the bus, but thankfully I was able to sleep some on the bus ride. The place was beautiful. If we would have gone 3 or 4 weeks earlier it would have been amazing. We met some new people. Got in 2 great hikes. Froze. And froze some more. Nearly blown off the mountain. Slept on the floor. Went to the sauna. Returned home Sunday night. Had a great time. Here are some pictures...
Getting ready to fall asleep on the floor

Sleeping on the bus
Stairway to Heaven

The big mountain we were on top of

The view from the top
Chillin, trying not to look frozen
Will, Greg, me, Adam
Park entrance

Our hotel room. Fully furnished with a bed mat.

Will, he is part duck

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